cookie of the week and mitt update
Friday, March 23, 2007First off, I want to give you an update on my dilemma with my hair stylist. I saw him this morning. When I walked in he said "Can you believe this, about two weeks after I called you, the snow melted and I found my glove next to where I always park my car"! I was totally prepared to give them to him for his tip. This sort of threw a wrench in my whole plan. I thought, do I have time to "post" so i can re-ask my fellow bloggers what to do? :) Knowing I was on my own with this one, I decided to give them to his hip, new assistant that was totally in love with them. They were her tip. She did wash my hair! The best part of this story is that my stylist told me that when he found the glove it was completely mangled. He washed it and it was as good as new. Hooray for Cascade 220, superwash! I chose the cookie of the week this week. They are my all time favorite, and the recipe was given to me from my good friend, Jennifer. They have been in her family for years. The kids love them also, without the nuts.
Ranger Cookies (UPDATED 4/17)
2 cups flour
1 cup shortening 1
1 cup sugar
1 cup brown sugar
2 eggs
1 TBLS vanilla
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
1 cup Oatmeal
2 cups Total
1 cup walnuts (optional)
1 cup raisins (optional)
Bake 350 for 10 minutes.
I'm not sure, but I think that these constitute for a good breakfast, for adults. They do have Total cereal, oatmeal, nuts and raisins!

Hey, I thought of you today when I ran across a link to the Diva sweater. Have you seen it? (YummyYarn has a link to it.) I love the big collar, only I know how much work these sweaters entail so I haven't sprung for one ... yet.
ReplyDeleteWe're still working on our way through the last batch of ginger and molasses cookies. Thanks for the recipes!
I love trying new recipes...especially cookie kind. Thanks! Also, do you have a great Monster Cookie Recipe? Just wondering. I also rationalize eating certain foods- especially if it's still breakfasttime. My lesson was learned back in the 'good ol' days' when my little Teagan would anser "whipped cream" when I asked her what she wanted to eat for breakfast. I was a softie to most times I would give in to her request and squirt Reddi-whip straight from the can, into her grinning mouth. You don't know how many times I have thought back on those moments and thanked myself for justifying this indulgence at that time. I had no idea a that those squirts of whipped cream would become some of my fondest memories in life. And now serve as a reminder to me to live in the moment, enjoy the 'good stuff' in life- especially if it's still morning, and to savor the moments in which we create joy and happiness- in ourselves and in others. Goodness knows a little cookie to jumpstart the day has never killed anyone. Sometimes forgoing the physical health of food for the benefits it feeds our minds and spirit is a good thing. It's not so much about Sugar and Butter as it is about Modertaion. Balance is key. =)
ReplyDeleteHooray - more people who eat cookies ( or biscuits as we say in the frozen North )for breakfast :)
ReplyDeleteI love cookie of the week!
I have adapted your cookie of the week into our little family weekly thing.. the kiddies love it. I bake a lot, but just pick, now letting them pick..and look through the cookbooks too.. FUN. Too funny about the gloves, oh well. It was a fun blog and seeing what the outcome would be, while it lasted.
ReplyDeleteI'd say definitely a healthy breakfast, they are almost the same as granola. Add a piece of fruit and it would be a breakfast of champions!!
ReplyDeleteheck yeah, that's breakfast!
ReplyDeletei love your photo - it looks like you are being industrious with all those red x's on the paper.
Thanks for the recipe! I'll have to try them. I'm glad your 'situation' worked itself out. Have a great weekend!
ReplyDeleteI love the natural colors of your sweater--looking forward to seeing it progress.
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to try the cookies... they look delicous. I'm not a big raisin fan, but I think craisins would be a good sub. What could be better than cookies for breakfast?
All's well that ends well...I always wondered how Cascade 220 did in the washing machine :-).
ReplyDeleteThanks for the update and the yummy cookie recipe.
Anything with oatmeal in it is absolutely healthy. I have been known to eat cake for breakfast too. I justify it because I then have the whole day to work off the calories. I also manage to justify eating it for lunch and dessert too.
ReplyDeleteNice to know a superwash really is.
I'll have cookies for breakfast anytime :) And that ballerina yarn looks so nice and woolly, sort of how I like yarn to look sometimes, instead of looking so smooth and 'processed'.
ReplyDeleteOooh a pink and brown ballerina sweater! yummo...
ReplyDeleteSo many delicious-looking cookies. I'd love to live in your house!! And that ballerina sweater is going to be a knock-out, for sure.
ReplyDeleteBTW: I love your folded name tag on your last project, sticking out. It looks so professional.
thanks for the recipe!! i luuuurrrrve cookies!!
ReplyDeletethe ballerina is coming along beautifully!!
How great that the problem with the hair stylist solved itself - and it's so nice of you that you gave the other pair to his assistant as a tip - that's the perfect tip indeed! ;)
ReplyDeleteOh yummy, these cookies look to die for - definitely a recipe that I'll give a try soonest possible! Thanks for sharing!
I leave for four days, and come back to so much great stuff on your blog! Love the labels - the cookies look great!! - the sweater looks great (I found one that is being held till the 16th) - working on my second dashing, with similar adjustments to yours. Have a great week!!
ReplyDeleteGlad to hear you were able to give to the fingerless gloves as a tip. I love anything with oatmeal.. yummy.. Oh, I can't wait to see the completed Swinger Sweater... and Thanks for posting on my Oasis Halter Top.
ReplyDeleteohhhhhhh I don't even knit and I find this blog fascinating!!!! However I do eat cookies... This is BEAUTIFUL!! I'll def! come back and peek more!!
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to see more of that jacket/sweater. It looks so interesting and I really like the colors you chose.
ReplyDeleteWas just wandering through. The cookie recipe looks delicious and reminds me of one I made with my grandmother. I think it was the same basic thing but had rice krispies instead of total.
ReplyDeleteBoth bags look great. I was noticing that you do boxes and check off when knitting from a pattern. I do that too. It really helps me keep track of my work. Thanks for confirming that I am doing something right.
ReplyDeleteI'm going to the store tonight to buy Total! I think I need some of those cookies for breakfast this weekend :)
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