Good morning last Saturday in January. Nice to see you.
I spotted these cookies over here and they have been calling my name ever since. Again, in an attempt to satisfy all cookie lovers in my family, I doubled the recipe and divided it in half. Half the dough got regular semi-sweet chips and a roll in raw sugar. The other half got mint chocolate chips and a roll in confectioners sugar. I feel like I say this a lot, however, these were AMAZING! And the dough? Well, let me just say that this dough is some of the best dough I have ever tasted. Which is huge because if given the choice I always choose vanilla over chocolate. The melted butter, along with the other ingredients, results in warm, melt in your mouth, absolutely can't stop eating, cookie dough.
I pulled out the sewing machine on Thursday and it felt really great. My sister asked if I would make her bible study girls tissue cozies. (Thanks, Julie! :) ) I make a small change to the tutorial...I like to overlap the top piece.... so I cut two 6x4 pieces and two 6x4 1/2 pieces. I sort of drug my heals at this request but after I got started, loved it. It was the perfect little project to bring back my sewing mojo. Although, I will not let myself sew another thing until I finish this sweater.
Have a wonderful weekend.
- Saturday, January 30, 2010