stripes and more stripes

Thursday, July 13, 2023

I have always had a thing for stripes. And I have wanted to knit with Lamb & Kid yarn for some time.  I waited for the L&K update and set my alarm.  SCORE!  I was able to land a few of my favorite colors! Cultivating my wardrobe for pieces that can last a long time has been my goal for the last couple of years.   And I think these things will fit nicely into my closet.  

Pattern:  Fancy Sweater by Lamb & Kid
Yarn:  Big Birdie by Lamb & Kid in Peanut and 
Needles:  US 11
Size:  S
Mods: The pattern is written in a solid version.  I have notes for how I striped this on my Ravelry page.

Pattern:  Saturday Shrug by Jackie Rose
Yarn:  Big Birdie in Vintage (2 skeins) and Peanut (1 skein)
Needle Size:  US 9
Mods:  None.  All notes on my Ravelry page.  

Pattern:  Saturday Shrug by Jackie Rose
Yarn:  Diamond Lane Birdie held with Tod 
Needle Size: US 9
Mods:  None.  All notes on my Ravelry page.
And there I have it!  Three pieces that I made in the winter/spring that have already had quite a bit of body time!  I have worn both of the Saturday Shrugs quite often... even this summer!

        {me + libby  July 9, 2023}
I talked all about these projects on Episode 36 of my YouTube Channel.  You can find it here.  

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