Beatrice Mitts

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Oh boy! It's so hard to believe that it's just past the middle of May! I don't have kids in school anymore and I have been blaming my busy-ness on the end of the school year! HA!

 I have managed to finish a pair of Beatrice Mitts.  I adore this Trench Coat Color way and yarn from Turtle Purl.  

Pattern:  Beatrice Mitts
Needles:  US 2

We have been busy traveling the last week.  Spent a glorious night in Chicago and then headed to Denver to watch my girl, Libby, run in the Denver Coalfax Half Marathon.  I was uber proud of her!  I think my heart grew 2 sizes.  

I finally wrote up the butterfly pattern and it is currently being edited by my tech editor.  Shouldn't be long until I share that.   (Fun Fact that my friend Winsorhouse mentioned... A group of butterflies is called a Kaleidoscope!)

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  1. Anonymous5/19/2022

    Lovely mitts and congratulations to your daughter, but Wow! A kaleidoscope of butterflies—that made my day.

  2. Congratulations to Libby! 🎉 And I love this yarn as well! I think they would be perfect for someone on my gift list. 😆


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