
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

I'd like to knit a huge amount of these. I thought about attaching a piece of grosgrain ribbon (or just a piece of yarn) while sewing it together and hanging from some twigs that I have in a vase. I think that would look really fun. Or, attaching them to Valentine's Day gifts. Or, filling with lavender and throwing into a drawer. Or, how about leaving the top open and filling it with little love notes!
But, for now I am just tossing them into a vase in the center of the table. I like this, too. They are meant to be felted. But to be quite honest, I am not even sure this yarn will felt. However, it is the perfect use for all those leftover little balls you have. (Suzanne!) This pattern accomplishes the shape of the heart by knitting short rows. I found a free pattern here that uses increases and decreases to do the same.
If you ordered the place mats (thank you!) remember to decorate them for yourself or for your sweeties. They are still available and if you order before February 7, you, too, can have them for Valentine's day.

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  1. I love mobiles, and my first thought when I saw your hearts was "mobile!"

  2. I'm knitting hearts that too! man they are addictive! 1,000 hearts in 2011 project, kinda like the oragami cranes.

  3. I am torn between knitting and crocheting tons of hearts for our home. I love the placemats, but I need 5 not 4 (and 8 is too many!) I need to find a family of three to share them.

  4. Those hearts are adorable!

  5. Lovely!! Both, the hearts and placemats.

  6. You are my Mary Tyler Moore. You know, "Who can turn the world on with her smile? Who can take a nothing day and suddenly make it all seem worthwhile...." Love the sweet hearts and, of course, the matts!

  7. I'm going to have to get my butt in gear and make some hearts!

  8. They are adorable!! Think I need to make some for my loved ones for Valentine's day.

  9. So cute and a perfect table decoration

  10. Very nice. I think they would look fabulous hanging from twigs in a vase!

  11. Anonymous1/26/2011

    How perfect! I love all your ideas for them, too.

  12. Javamama1/26/2011

    I have this book! I haven't made the hearts yet, but will soon! I did make the knitted rosettes and they were quick & fun.

  13. I ordered mine last weekend! We're eagerly anticipating their arrival. Thanks for all the inspiration!!

  14. Oh! I have that book! Thanks for the nudge; now I know what to make for my daughters' Valentine's packages!

  15. oh the possibilities with little bundles of love....thanks for the link and great ideas!

  16. Perfect for left over yarn.

  17. how A.DOR.ABLE!! I had full intentions of knitting little pink dishcloths to enclose with the homemade chocolates I plan on making...but this are SUPER DUPER CUTE!!!!!!!!! And I'm on a roll to use up extras in my yarn bin over here....bonus!

  18. Anonymous1/27/2011

    The hearts are so cute! I love the stylized shape and the idea of putting them in a vase. You could tell any guest to "Have a heart!" and mean it literally.

  19. you didn't!! oh yes. you did!! I LOVE your hearts!! after seeing molly's crocheted heart garland, I wanted to knit some up! now I can. how about hanging them like your advent? the possibilities are endless.

  20. Anonymous1/27/2011

    Even though I seriously despise valentine's day....those are awesome. :)

  21. they are adorable!!! and i agree - no felting for these babies.

    a ribbon would be pretty. i sewed a mother of pearl button on one of mine. it worked well too.

  22. These are WONDERFUL! I want to make a million and fill every bowl in the house!

  23. Love the hearts and love the placemats. So adorable!!

  24. I think I like them better not felted. They looks adorable.

  25. Leslie! You just put the biggest smile on my face. Will you believe it when I tell you that I have been knitting up those exact hearts in various shades of red? They are so much fun.

  26. I love the hearts, I am knitting them non-stop over here! We are adding a little yarn and making them into little ornaments to give to our valentines. Red, purple, magenta & pink, we are feeling like little cupids!

  27. Aaah, so cute!! I want a whole pile of knitted hearts, too!

  28. Those hearts are great! Thanks for the link.

  29. They are lovely, I made some a while ago but felted mine. They didn't felt that much though!

  30. Yes you have nice idea for a valentine's day gift! You can put little notes inside the heart and leave it open or you can hang it with your gift!

  31. Anonymous2/04/2011

    howdy Leslie!
    These hearts are really nice! They would be attached to a gift for valentine's day!!!

  32. I'm happy that the hearts made you happy.... :)

  33. The knitted hearts are great. I have been knitting scarfs with ruffled edges, I would love to add a heart or two to make them even more romantic!

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